Pre-Conference Tours
The program of the XVIII International Silage Conference consists of key-note presentations by invited speakers, volunteered oral presentations and poster sessions.
A sponsor exhibition will also take place during the conference.
The scientific program will be complemented by five pre- or post-conference tours covering different regions of Germany.
Starting with a 1-day roundtrip giving you some impressions of typical dairy farms in western Germany and cultural highlights of the skyline of Frankfurt, we will also offer 2-, 3- and 4-day-tours providing a broad variety of agricultural and cultural highlights, being typical for the different regions of Germany and some selected companies with focus on agricultural products and machinery.
On Monday evening (July 23rd) all participants are invited to an informal Get-Together which will be held at the
Institute of Agricultural Engineeringclose to the conference venue.
Nußallee 5
53115 Bonn
It starts at 17.00 and some drinks and light food will be served!
Participants are invited to use this opportunity to meet old friends and get new contacts in a relaxed atmosphere!