
XVIII International Silage Conference

24-26 July 2018

Bonn, Germany

ISC 2018

24-26 July 2018, Bonn (Germany)

Group Photo | ISC 2018 | Bonn

XVIII International Silage Conference


The program consists of Keynote presentations by invited speakers, volunteered oral presentations and poster sessions.

Conference Tours

Five pre- and post-conference tours will be offered, covering different directions of Germany.

Conference Dinner

There will be a conference dinner on 25 July, taking place on a boat on the river Rhine.

Get Together

On Monday evening (July 23rd) all participants are invited to an informal Get-Together to meet old friends and make new contacts in a relaxed atmosphere.

Venue -
The University of Bonn

Campus Poppelsdorf

XVIII International Silage Conference - Venue


Universität Bonn - Campus Poppelsdorf
Central Lecture Building
Endenicher Alle 19c
53115 Bonn
- Germany -


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Meet our Keynote speakers

Enno Bahrs | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Enno Bahrs
University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart

"Economical evaluation of silages"

Giorgio Borreani | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Giorgio Borreani
University of Turin, Italy

"New technologies to monitor and improve silage quality from field to feed-out"

João Daniel | ISC 2018 | Bonn
João Daniel
State University of Maringa (UEM), Brazil

"Production and utilization of silages in tropical areas"

Dave Davies | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Dave Davies
Silage Solutions Ltd., UK

"New technologies to monitor and improve silage quality from field to feed-out"

Sasha Hafner | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Sasha Hafner
Aarhus University, Denmark

"Volatile organic compounds: sources, emission and mitigation"

Kenneth Kalscheur | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Kenneth Kalscheur
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, Wisconsin (USA)


Bärbel Kroschewski | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Bärbel Kroschewski
Humboldt University Berlin, Germany

"Statistics and experimental design in silage research"

Tim McAllister | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Tim McAllister
Lethbridge Research and Development Centre, Alberta, Canada

"Molecular techniques to develop additives and characterize the microbial ecology of silages"

Richard E. Muck | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Richard E. Muck
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin (USA)

"The future of ensiling: Challenges and opportunities"

Thomas M. Pauly | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Thomas M. Pauly
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden

"Methodology of ensiling trials and effects of silage additives"

Jyoti Prakash Tamang | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Jyoti Prakash Tamang
Sikkim University, India

"Global fermented foods: Ethno-microbiology to next generation sequencing"

Karl Schedle | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Karl Schedle
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

"Fermentation of feed in monogastric animal nutrition"

J. Michael Wilkinson | ISC 2018 | Bonn
J. Michael Wilkinson
Nottingham University, UK

"The future of ensiling: Challenges and opportunities"

Ueli Wyss | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Ueli Wyss
Agroscope, Posieux, Switzerland

"Methodology of ensiling trials and effects of silage additives"


Platinum Sponsors

Addcon | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Schaumann | ISC 2018 | Bonn
ECOSYL | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Claas | ISC 2018 | Bonn
John Deere | ISC 2018 | Bonn

Silver Sponsors

Schaumann BioEnergy | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Lactosan | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Konsil | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Lallemand | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Dr. Pieper Technologie- und Produktentwicklung GmbH | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Passion AG | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Agravis | ISC 2018 | Bonn
RKW Agri GmbH | ISC 2018 | Bonn
SealPlus | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Chr. Hansen A/S | ISC 2018 | Bonn
Edilfloor SPA | ISC 2018 | Bonn

Bronze Sponsors

Eastman Chemical Company  | ISC 2018 | Bonn


The XVIII International Silage Conference is organized by the University of Bonn, the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL, Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft) and the German Agricultural Society (DLG, Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft).

University of Bonn
Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL, Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft)
German Agricultural Society (DLG, Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft)

Werner Brothers GbR takes care of the practical arrangements and the website and ticketing process.